Smart Ways to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady

Smart Ways to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady

In this edition, we're diving into some simple yet effective strategies for managing blood sugar spikes. While common advice often includes general lifestyle changes, we're focusing on specific, actionable tips that you can integrate into your daily routine to keep those levels more consistent. Let's explore these lesser-known hacks!

  1. Take a Post-Meal Walk: A short walk after eating can significantly improve blood sugar levels. A gentle 10-15 minute stroll helps your body use glucose more effectively, promoting a smoother, slower release of sugar into your bloodstream.
  2. Exercise Your Soleus Muscle: Calf raises activate the soleus muscle, crucial for blood sugar regulation. Whether seated or standing, these simple exercises are convenient for any setting—home, office, or public transport.


    Fiber First: Start with fiber-rich foods like salad, vegetable soup, or steamed greens to stabilize blood sugar, feel fuller longer, and prevent overeating.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Staying well-hydrated helps kidneys flush out excess sugar. Aim for 8-10 glasses daily, more if active or in hot weather.
  5. Pair Carbs with Proteins or Fats: Pair carbohydrates with proteins or healthy fats to slow digestion and stabilize blood sugar. For instance, top whole-grain bread with avocado or a hard-boiled egg.
  6. Spice It Up: Use cinnamon, turmeric, and ginger in your meals for flavor and natural anti-inflammatory benefits, aiding in lowering blood sugar levels.
  7. Choose Low Glycemic Index Foods: Choose low-GI foods like lentils, beans, whole grains, and most fruits to manage blood sugar levels effectively. They digest slowly, preventing sharp spikes compared to high-GI foods like white bread or sugary snacks.
  8. Mindful Eating: Mindful eating—savoring each bite, eating slowly, and minimizing distractions like TV or smartphones—helps regulate food intake, recognize fullness, and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  9. Incorporate Squats into Your Routine: Squats regulate blood sugar by engaging large muscle groups. Adding daily sets improves glucose management, easily fitting into any fitness routine.
  10. Exercise After Poor Sleep: Lack of sleep increases cravings for sugary and carb-rich foods. Prioritize exercise on sleep-deprived days to curb cravings and stabilize blood sugar levels—a short workout can help significantly.
  11. Use GLYLO: GLYLO manages blood sugar spikes by curbing cravings, improving insulin sensitivity, and lowering carbohydrate intake, promoting better metabolic health and reducing diabetes risks.


We hope you find these tips helpful and easy to incorporate into your routine. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes in your health. Stay active, eat wisely, and keep those spikes at bay!