Combat Aging & Age Related Diseases Naturally: Reduce Glycation and Boost Your Defense with Glylo!

Glycation: A Culprit Behind Aging

Glycation happens when sugars in our food chemically bond to proteins, creating Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). This process, influenced significantly by the presence of sugars, isn't just responsible for the delicious browning of foods like toast through Maillard reactions; it also has deeper implications for our health.

In our bodies, these sugar-driven AGEs can accelerate the aging process and contribute to the development of various chronic diseases. While the browning effect in foods and the taste of sugar can exponentially enhance flavor, the internal effects of glycation due to sugars can be detrimental, impacting everything from skin elasticity to organ function.

The harmful effects of Glycation
  • Hastened Aging: Glycation leads to the formation of Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs), which accumulate in skin, organs, and tissues, accelerating the overall aging process. This accumulation can make the skin appear wrinkled and less elastic, and it can also impair the function of various organs.

  • Weight Gain and Metabolic Health: AGEs can interfere with the body's metabolism, contributing to weight gain and obesity. This interference can also lead to metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes.

  • Age-Related Diseases: The accumulation of AGEs is linked to age-related diseases such as Diabetes , Alzheimer's and Cardiovascular diseases. These AGEs can also damage the structure and function of body tissues, leading to the breakdown of joints and impaired vision.

  • Brain and Cardiovascular Health: Glycation and AGEs are associated with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, affecting brain health and cognitive function. Additionally, they contribute to cardiovascular problems by promoting inflammation and hardening of the arteries, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Considering these widespread effects, it's evident that managing glycation and reducing the formation of AGEs is an essential aspect of maintaining overall health, especially as we age. Strategies may include dietary modifications to reduce sugar intake, increasing antioxidant consumption, and including Glylo, the first supplement designed to combat sugar induced glycation. By addressing glycation, we can not only improve our appearance but also enhance our bodily functions and overall quality of life.

How Glylo Helps
  • Combating Glycation and Aging: Glylo targets the glycation process, which is integral to aging. By reducing glycation, Glylo helps to slow down the accumulation of AGEs, thereby decelerating the aging process and its visible signs, such as skin aging and reduced organ function.

  • Support for Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic Conditions: Glylo is effective in managing blood glucose levels, reducing fasting glucose, and improving insulin resistance. These benefits are particularly valuable for individuals with diabetic or pre-diabetic conditions, helping to manage the effects of sugar on the body.

  • Promoting Cardiovascular and Brain Health: The supplement also plays a role in supporting cardiovascular and brain health. By mitigating the detrimental effects of AGEs, Glylo helps in maintaining the health and functionality of these critical systems, which are often impacted by age-related decline and glycation-related disorders.

  • Weight Management and Appetite Control: Glylo aids in weight management by reducing cravings for sugar, decreasing meal sizes, and lowering blood sugar levels. This action supports a healthier relationship with food and aids in weight loss efforts.

Inspiration Behind Glylo

  • The inspiration behind Glylo is Pankaj Kapahi, a Professor at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in California and a renowned fasting and aging expert.

    Dr. Kapahi founded Juvify with the vision to promote lifestyle interventions like fasting to improve healthspan. His laboratory at the Buck Institute focuses on nutrient responses, aging, and metabolism, particularly studying the role of AGEs in obesity and age-related diseases like diabetes and Alzheimer's.

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What our customers have to say - 

So far so good

I am 70 years old, seriously overweight and have peripheral neuropathy. I started taking Glylo two weeks ago and have lost 4 lbs. I am more energetic, but that may because I am in less pain in my legs. My doctor says that the neuropathy pain and my sciatica are caused by inflammation. Maybe the reduction in inflammation is reducing my symptoms? I don't know for sure, but as long as I can go food shopping without using a handicart, I am going to keep taking Glylo.

  • Patricia
    • Verified Buyer

Excellent product!

I don't generally take supplements but gave GLYLO a try because of its multiple benefits and the science behind it. Within a few days of taking the pills I felt an increase in energy and did not feel the low I usually get in the afternoon. It has also been easy for me to avoid snacks and sweets. I am not looking for weight loss but just better control over my diet and reduction of carbohydrates. GLYLO makes adopting a ketogenic diet easier. I am really enjoying this supplements and plan to continue using it as it boosts several vitamins and micronutrients that decline with age including nicotinamide and lipoic acid. I find it easier to take these well researched multiple ingredients in one pill. I am looking forward to seeing a reduction in my blood sugar after prolonged which I expect.

  • Brenda Nario

    • Verified Buyer

What an incredible supplement!

I wanted to get through the first bottle first and then write my review, but so far my experience has been extremely good! I feel like my sugar and carb cravings have been reduced without feeling like a diet pill where you don’t have an appetite for anything. Even when I have indulged I don’t end up eating as much. The days that I don’t take GLYLO I definitely notice an increase in my sugar cravings. Also… what was an added wonderful surprise… I’ve lost 9lb!

I also haven’t felt huge dips in my blood sugar and my energy level is sustained throughout the day, including during exercise. My mood has improved and my energy is noticeably up without causing any anxiousness or restlessness. Brain fog feels diminished as well, which is a huge plus working in healthcare where brain fog could lead to patient safety concerns. I already take a B complex vitamin so the improvement I’ve noticed isn’t due to resolving a B vitamin deficiency. I haven’t experienced any side effects of any kind. It’s all very exciting, so much so that I’ve told my close friends and family to try it. Looking forward to continued results!!

  • Nicole

    • Verified Buyer

Brenda Nario

I don't generally take supplements but gave GLYLO a try because of its multiple benefits and the science behind it. Within a few days of taking the pills I felt an increase in energy and did not feel the low I usually get in the afternoon. It has also been easy for me to avoid snacks and sweets. I am not looking for weight loss but just better control over my diet and reduction of carbohydrates. GLYLO makes adopting a ketogenic diet easier. I am really enjoying this supplements and plan to continue using it as it boosts several vitamins and micronutrients that decline with age including nicotinamide and lipoic acid. I find it easier to take these well researched multiple ingredients in one pill. I am looking forward to seeing a reduction in my blood sugar after prolonged which I expect.

  • Brenda Nario

    • Verified Buyer

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